Monday 13 February 2023

L (originally meant for XL) - One Video, Three Years

Fractionation Hypnosis for Calmness
Alicia Fairclough, 5 Aug 2014

Four years ago
Fairly hard to do sound off, if you watch subtitles ... went through it once, and rubbing thumb and forefinger did even so work during the day.

Also irritating that "sound of my voice" comes off as "sound of my boy" - except there is a theological point to it.

Voice = word, approx. Boy = son approx. Now get to Christology.

Three years ago
Exellent fractionation hypnosis.

Had one just before from Stephanie Dillon, so, a fine compensation for a week that was harrassing ....

Excellent, I mean of course.

One year ago
One bad cyber, where I was disturbed, now one good one, where I could hear it.

Yes, very enjoyable. Thank you!

And the finger trigger worked, both the evening day before yesterday and today on the bus - even thinking of rubbing thumb and index finger kind of dowsed me - until the next station.

This year
added morning of 15.II.2023
I did enjoy it.

I did not go as deep as to "wake up" from hearing you, so presumably on the other video, I might have been tired.

IL - Getting Deeper on Same Video, Alicia Fairclough

Hans-Georg Lundahl
3 months ago
Thank you!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
2 weeks ago
Thank you.

There was a moment when I woke up from a dream to your voice - a short one, but still.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
zero seconds ago
Thank you.

This time there were several moments when I was waking up to your voice, because I had gone too deep to follow it.

Is it because of the several times I have seen it?
Is it because I am starting to go deeper overall?
Or can simple fatigue be the reason?

Whichever it is, it was marvellous, and, contrary to a slight apprehension, I did manage to wake up at the count of 5.

The video was already featured in 2017, VII Two Powernap Videos, and My Choice, and in 2020, XXXVIII - Alicia saves the day!