Tuesday 10 March 2020

XL - More Secret Subject

Good while watching, good to revisit in memory, as I note in the "it can be added" extra comments below:

Naughty and Nice Resistance Challenge (Hypnotic Resistance Induction)
The Secret Subject | 10.VIII.2017

I did follow on to 1 and the eyelids fluttered after "you should know I always win my games" ... it was relaxing, that can not be denied, and I did not manage to count along with you.

It can be added, when counting down from hundred next two evenings when going to sleep, "I was in" this video, and it was very calming.

Counting Fractionation File (Hypnosis Countdown)
The Secret Subject | 24.VII.2017

Not bad at all.

Came to it from other counting file, 100 to 1, and didn't close eyes much, but definitely needed the relaxation and refreshment.

Thank you!

Nice for a library with head phones. Even if others are looking!

It can be added, when waking up this night, this helped to get back to sleep quickly.

Sunday 8 March 2020

XXXIX - What am I Risking?

If hypnosis is always mortally sinful, which I do not think it is, Hell.

If it is not always but sometimes mortally sinful, which it is would partly depend on what I am risking on earth.

So, am I risking unchastity? Partly, but not more than otherwise when not married. I just went to a third hypno video where the "hypno mistress" after a few seconds or half a minute of pre-talk asked "when was the last time you thought about masturbation" ... well, that was when I turned that video off.

There are more than one thing which can make me sufficiently relaxed or sufficiently irritated to actually fall into that sin, and hypnosis being one of the ones making me relaxed would be a danger, but usually only after as long as would one way or the other drive me to that sin again, as long as I am unmarried. I do not chose the hypnosis videos which would directly tend to arouse me.

Next question, am I risking being controlled by someone against my own will?

My situation features quite a few attempts of controlling me, specifically of preventing me from doing what I try to do. I do not intend to add an abusive relation to a hypnotist to the controls, and in that sense, going to hypnosis videos is an asset, since a video that is meant for millions of people to view over the internet cannot afford to be too abusive.

If they are, they can be taken off the net. And often I go only to videos, where the video has been online long, or with channels that have been online long, and are run by certified hypnotists, one way or the other.

They very well know they can't afford to give a post-hypnotic suggestion which would make drivers fall asleep while running 100 mph on the highway or even moderately close to that kind of mishap. I risk less than I would at a stage hypnosis this way.

Third, there is the question of going so deep one risks a cardial failure or sth like that. Well, I mentioned many of the videos are by certified hypnotists.

I can (not from this computer, but will add at next session*) show a lady getting hypnotist all the way down the Aron scale. She was, safely, in the presence of a certified hypnotist. Even at the deepest level of hypnotic blindness or negative hallucination, she would be "in his hands". Obviously, a certified hypnotist doing things through a video would not try to get one as deep as that and when watching those that are online, I am not risking the levels of negative or even positive, eyes open, hallucination.

One thing I would not risk is getting a hypnotherapy under someone who is not a Catholic and who would regard my religion as so much neurosis and try to get me out of it. Or would I risk that? I would not accept that as a set goal, and I would not even accept a hypnotherapy qua therapy. But as I have anyway a need for quick restoration of the rest that lost sleep (from many external factors) deprives me from, if a pretty girl studying psychology were to offer power nap sessions and ask "analysis" (as investigation) in return, I might even consider that, as some guys seem totally incapable of believing I am honest about what I believe and value and why I do so when answering in a wide awake state.

But I think it would be safer not to, as such a relation would arguably detract from the emotional energy needed to be in love with someone I am seriously trying to marry. Meanwhile, if purely recreational hypnosis is sinful, in the sense of when it's purely for fun, in my case I need the power naps.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
II Lord's Day of Lent

* I am now at next session, on another computer. Here is the video I meant:

Elman Induction/Depth Testing with Female Subject
Sanders Hypnosis Center of Maryland | 20.XI.2012

Wednesday 4 March 2020

XXXVIII - Alicia saves the day!

Awesome Power Nap Hypnosis
Alicia Fairclough | 29.II.2016

Non-ideal conditions, but STILL good result.

I was nearly going to sleep or trying hard not to just before, now sleepiness is GONE with the wind ...

  • 1) I had to move the mouse around, for fear the computer could shut off for inactivity
  • 2) some guy was rapping fingers on same table
  • 3) at some points I was afraid a party in the library approaching could be security guards going to tell me to go for falling asleep, so opened my eyes from time to time ...

I was STILL refreshed!

Tuesday 18 February 2020

XXXVII - Hypno Fails

This is not intended to expose videos otherwise by people I liked as to their other videos, but I'll restate the comments or lack of comments on why I snapped out of hypno:

7 - woke up as you tried to make me forget that ...

"allowing your mind to be open to new ideas, new suggestions"

Where you lost me on this one.

"I would like you to imagine, you are floating up and out of your body."

"you are the architect of your life" or
telling me to repeat
"I am the architect of my life"

(forgot which)


Seven is a holy number, the number of sacraments. Wouldn't want to forget that.

I am no friend of novelty.

New to myself, as in sth not yet experienced? Well one could put that another way.

Here it sounded eerily like radically new, sth which has horrible connotations in history both of theology and of politics.

The soul is the form of the body and doesn't float out of it until death.

God is the carpenter of my life.

God, not I.

"I know, O Lord, that the way of a man is not his: neither is it in a man to walk, and to direct his steps."
Jeremias (Jeremiah) 10:23

"The heart of man disposeth his way: but the Lord must direct his steps."
Proverbs 16:9

And carpenter, not architect. God incarnate is Jesus, carpenter in Nazareth, not Nimrod, architect of Babel.

Monday 17 February 2020

XXXVI - Revisiting some Fairclough

21.V.2020 | Alicia Fairclough

Viewed: 15.II.2020

My comments:


I kind of decided to "play the game" so my typing may not be that much of a post-hypnotic success BUT the joy I actually feel after doing so, kind of is!

Can you be hypnotised with a rapid induction?
13.III.2016 | Alicia Fairclough

Viewed: 17.II.2020

My comment:

This happened. Watching, as often, under non-ideal conditions. Seated at a library table with 8 computers, 4 facing 4 and I was in the middle of one side, so had one other on each side.

At the pre-talk, someone on the table started rapping his fingers on the table. MAJOR distraction, but as I wasn't under yet (just pre-talk, right) I stopped, button pause. When he stopped, I went on, button forward.

While waiting, I came to read comments on how eyes closed automatically just when you clapped hands and said "sleep". I had this in mind when watching the actual hypnosis.

Now, when you clapped and said sleep, I first just twinkled the lids and opened them again, then they fluttered a few seconds, and then I enjoyed the automatic closing of the lids and the rest.

BUT when you said the things about respecting and being respected, I snickered as I thought of a man I'd like to punch on the face for how he is to this homeless guy ... it was kind of funnily not quite inappropriate in an ironic way!

Wednesday 12 February 2020

XXXV - Secret Subject

Fast and Slow Fractionation
Secret Subject | 22.II.2019

Thank you!

And, couldn't keep up, really.

added today

I did watch it in a cyber. I took the seat furthest in, people kept getting closer to my seat (they are laterally arranged) all the time, which was a bit distracting, but wonderfully deep trance even so.

Have gone back into trance on my own, thanks to memory snippets from this one, works very well.

I managed to miss quite a few stations on the RER I was not going to get out at, and to program myself in advance for double snap and "wide awake" in time for getting out. Both yesterday and today.

A wonderful way of compensating lost sleep.