Thursday 30 March 2017

I Katherine Anne, Interactive Induction


Interactive Induction

My Comments


In the cyber where I listened to it, the owner made sure to made noises so I really COULD NOT totally ignore them. Some people just don't want me to relax, and if it were only they were afraid of hypnosis (which happens with some sections of Indian Subcontinent immigrants), I wonder why some are so eager to also disturb my sleep.


You might want to know why I rejected hypnosis at about age 22 after late teens engulfed in self hypnosis. I considered things like "your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier" or "you can't open your eyelids, the more you try to open them, the more they are stuck" as lies. Hence induction itself begins by immortality. Now, here you have at least the decency to start with "you might want to" ... meaning the viewer is admitted as having a choice. Thumbs up for that!

[I misspelled "immorality" as "immortality"]


Not Christmas right now, but the day after Lady Day. Best wishes for Lent!

II Katherine Anne Update!!...and a little covert hypno....


Update!!...and a little covert hypno.....


She does say sth about sleeping first and only day after that telling what happened.

My comments:

March 25:

OK, I am perhaps not sure you wanted all the details the day after a night's sleep, but here we go.

The dirty stuff first. Some people go to whores and get drunk first. I sometimes use self hypnosis in a similar manner before self satisfaction - which comes unplanned and I was stinking all the morning and still need to wash some after I already did my laundry.

Now, the things you might be more interested in - as a hypnotist. I saw the video three times over, and had already seen that Christmas gift video. As you might imagine, the thought of dreaming you met me on the street and hypnotised me was not just running in the back of my head unconsciously. I was seeing foreward to it. I can tell you more about my day dreams than about my night dreams, because my sleep got disturbed by someone, and I woke up with too little sleep.

Here we go, changing "me" and "you" to HGL and KA.

HGL : [strolling on a sunny street in summer through otherwise unidentified street, empty except for ...]
KA : [shows up, waves]
HGL : Oh, it's Katherine Anne! I'm zonked!
KA: What do you mean zonked? I haven't started yet? HGL : Some criminals see the police and say "I'm fried" before they are ...
KA : Oh, in that sense?
HGL : Yea, you probably came to zonk me, and if so, I am zonked.
KA : You can say that again [smirk]
HGL : I am zonked.
KA : I want to hear it again [catches my eyes]
HGL : I am zonked.
KA : [touches me on arm] Next time you say that, you really are.
HGL : OK? [feeling arm being moved]
KA : Now say it.
HGL : I am zonked.
KA : [snaps finger, drops my arm] sleeeeeep.

And as I day dreamed about it, I went down a bit more.

March 26

After second night. Found a place I thought would be quiet, even so got my sleep disturbed.

The morning I had a queezy day dream about Cercone being involved in zonking me out.

I'd prefer you, even if you are less experienced in the "hypnotose my room mate" thing.

Now, back to the evening. Went out a time or two even before last moment of closure, so just woke up to see one of two girls enter and talk to her. Then went out pretty quickly, not doing much, rolling eyeball so as to "look at skull from inside" had eyelids fall quickly, went out soon after that.

Dream one : farewell to the Dawn Treader. Lots of episodes involving the Pevensies, think I remember Peter and Lucy from the last cast (Walden media). Not sure where I came in myself, if I did.

Dream two : cutting out pieces of human flesh (my own, perhaps not exclusively) and wrapping them around cannon balls, shooting at Putin.

Don't know where pieces of human flesh come from, but am against Putin in real and wake life too. As a "reactionary" he's so inferior to the reactionaries I do like or admire. Even Mussolini whom I like more than I admire, had banned abortion in Italy after four years in power, and in the years up to Matteotti case at least did not depend in secret services.

Putin made his carreer in secret services, while Mussolini was a poor man and a syndicalist.

Dreams about meeting you in street and you hypnotising me : dreams as opposed to day dreaming before going to sleep, none.

Torrid details - none this night.

After that

Continuing outside the comment section. See next post.

IV Continuing Journal March 28 2017

hypno journal 28.III.2017
3/28/17 at 10:25 AM

Laid off going to a "popular soup" at a Church. As I sat under a tree, I tried to "go down deep", but did NOT succeed to shut out the sounds.

I started a composition, and chose sth like rag time or so as general style (under the sonata or sonatina form and "irregular" bar groups).


Found a place to sleep. Felt the stench of old cigarette smoke, somewhat feebly. Did not move.

Counted down (me counting, Katherine Anne's face floating above like the face of the Cheshire cat and adding "you go to sleep now" every time), cannot recall getting down to 60.

Both evening and night I had started over a few times, while losing track of where I was.


Woke up in a dream, saw a year number like 813 (which I know in wake life for another reason) and was in my dream wondering about eradication of abortion, how it was progressing.

Touched a hard on, thought better of the idea of wanking, desisted, tried to think of sth else, like the dream.

In reality, it was of course outlawed in Charlemagne's Empire anyway, since Constantine had outlawed it.

Considered that while still awake and wondered if reeradication might have proven necessary in the recently conquered Saxon territories.

Saw it was still dark, concluded it was still night, started a countdown again, but got down to 50 and below, and even after some drifting off now and again reached 1. This time the suggestion had been "you go to sleep now for a short time".

When I had reached one, I "let her" do that kind of "count up" (without counting. I did feel refreshed and it was getting light. Had the morning countdown been a power nap, or had I drifted off to minutes or hours of real sleep between the resuming of counting? I don't know.
The hard on was gone. Without wanking. Thank God.


Shall I be able to keep OFF hypno journal (except this)?


Daydreamed about meeting her.

KA: "you might want to look into my eyes"
HGL: "already? I thought we were going to talk first."

Ending A (yes, daydream recurred with two endings)

KA: "I already read your blogs, and know what you want"
HGL: "fine, I am yours under God" (sign of a cross) "go ahead and zonk me out"

Ending B
Dialogue ensuing on what I did want and what I did not want.

Ending C

KA: "look at the time"
HGL: [notices it is 10 am]
KA: "we already did, I already zonked you out"
HGL: "fine, I am yours under God" (sign of a cross) "go ahead and zonk me out again"

Content of dialogue (not given, not recalled in perfect detail) being basically that if she wanted to impose things on me that OTHERS wanted for me, that was not OK. Not unless she had verified I wanted it myself.

In actual fact, what I do want is getting more REM sleep, more restrained erections, more of my alpha state fix from prayer - all of which per se are things I don't need hypnotherapy for.

BUT if someone were to get me doing my research this style or that style or considering this or considering that or being open to this or that kind of audience, while hypnosis would not be my choice for myself, I would feel OK with it if it was imposed ... by Katherine Anne.

I would NOT want to have hypnotic adventures like this (hypno binges, I called the one in 2014) to continue to distract me every time I was getting a bit insisting when courting a girl, or every time someone would want to use this as an excuse of pretending I was reevaluating everything I had been saying on my blogs or that I might be ashamed of them being known.

IN fact, other thing where I don't have false shame and don't want that of others to interfere : I want to marry a girl well younger than myself, since that is where fertility is. An old maid my age is not fertile, a divorcee is not licit to marry and I would not want to speculate on the tragedies of others. And even a widow my age would be more into the children she had after someone else than into making more of them with me.

V On Formats

Readers of my other blogs might be interested and knowledgeable of my two formats so far. And a third upcoming.

I Katherine Anne, Interactive Induction

& II Katherine Anne Update!!...and a little covert hypno....

These are one format on Assorted retorts.

I watch a video, I comment one or more comments below, and my blog post is essentially my link to video, with a little own reflection added to readers after they watched it.

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere

III Continuing Journal March 27

& IV Continuing Journal March 28 2017

One or more mails, usually between myself and someone else, is the format on this blog:

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl

Now, the third format, also on Assorted retorts again, is where comments go between me and someone else.

I first link to video, then start giving the combox debate.

Suppose my dialogue (imagined such) with Katherine Anne had been a combox debate with her, the format would on Assorted retorts have looked like this:

Video commented on
Update!!...and a little covert hypno.....

[strolling on a sunny street in summer through otherwise unidentified street, empty except for ...]

[shows up, waves]

Oh, it's Katherine Anne! I'm zonked!

What do you mean zonked? I haven't started yet?

Some criminals see the police and say "I'm fried" before they are ...

Oh, in that sense?

Yea, you probably came to zonk me, and if so, I am zonked.

You can say that again [smirk]

I am zonked.

I want to hear it again [catches my eyes]

I am zonked.

[touches me on arm] Next time you say that, you really are.

OK? [feeling arm being moved]

Now say it.

I am zonked.

[snaps finger, drops my arm] sleeeeeep.

[If there had been any.]

VI Frozen With Hypnosis

Frozen With Hypnosis

My comments

I wonder, has Brian been able to get on with his comic book - or has his creativity been sacrificed on your curiosity of having a good subject? If he did get on with his comic book, I'd like to see proof of that, like a link to Amazon ... And I am starting to feel somewhat happy not having a home, just in case the offers for one were meant for you to gt an opportunity to take me under for 24 hours or more ... I have received some.

[Offers of getting a house, that is]

Brian Michael Bendis - not the guy, see photo.

Bryan Johnson - not the guy, see photo.

Brian Stelfreeze - not the guy, definitely see photo.

Brian K. Vaughan - not the guy, see photo.

Could it be Brian Quinn? Photo looks a bit like it?

If so, of course, he changed from glasses to lenses?

VII Two Powernap Videos, and My Choice

Video commented on:

5 Minute Hypnotic Nap
Alicia Fairclough

My Comment:

1:30 Here is where you lost me. Up and out of your body ... no.

["il y a 6 jours" = 22.III.2017
I later took this one instead:]

Video not commented on:

Awesome Power Nap Hypnosis
Alicia Fairclough

[Whatever the dangers of hypnosis as such, spiritually, morally, in certain situations etc, this second one does not involve imagery which I detected as un-Christian.]

VIII Quora : What do the Islamic 99 names and the Catholic Rosary have to do with self-hypnosis?

Q I asked
What do the Islamic 99 names and the Catholic Rosary have to do with self-hypnosis?

Own comment on Q
In méthode Coué, there is an “I am …” involved in what one is suggesting oneself about. In these two, there is not (unless one speaks of the I Am who revealed Himself to Moses, as to Rosary).

The question is not primarily religious, it is more about what the effects of that would be. Like would the fact of NOT concentrating on one’s OWN goals be an indirect suggestion of forgetting oneself?

with my comments, in some cases, and except one which involves "Not for Reproduction":

Some of those I asked had been requested to answer, some not. Most I asked have not answered.

Claire-Edith de la Croix,
Ph.D Philosophy of Religion and Theology & Catholicism, Claremont Graduate University (1983)
Written 20h ago
I know nothing about the 99 Names so I can't answer that part of the question.

The Catholic rosary is a meditation, not an excerise in memorization and rote repetition. The rosary is divided into groups of ten beads separated by a large bead; each group of ten beads is called a decade. The traditional rosary consists of fifteen decades and Saint Pope John Paul II proposed another five.

Each decade is named for a particular “mystery” (mysterium in Latin) in salvation history. While repeating the prayers for the beads vocally, we are supposed to meditate on the relevant mystery. The mind remains very active. Nothing to do with self-hypnosis.

The Loyola Press has a list of the twenty mysteries on their site[1].


[1] Mysteries of the Rosary

[Note, I give the link as respecting integrity of her answer, but would not use "The Mysteries of Light"]

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Since hypnosis is not just about memorisation, including self hypnosis, I don’t see the point of “not an excerise in memorization and rote repetition.”

You said it is a meditation, on which I agree.

It is also the one I use, as opposed to Muslims using 99 names.

In the 15 mystery version.

Are you aware that meditation is considered akin to self hypnosis in so far as alpha state is induced in a successful instance?

That is one reason behind my question.

Claire-Edith de la Croix
Hello, Hans-Georg.

I am very aware of trance states of various kinds including hypnosis, which was one of the tools I sometimes used in my professional practice. Since my answer is directed to the curious man in the street, I chose appropriate vocabulary. To most laymen the words trance and hypnosis evoke different ideas. This is not a technical or professional article.

Is there something more general about the answer that's bothering you?

Sr. Claire-Édith

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Well, I am not “the curious man in the street”, I do have some technical vocabulary.

Also, I think you are perhaps by “chosing appropriate vocabulary” withholding some of your actual knowledge from the man in the street.

If you are a professional practitioner, I don’t see how you could associate self hypnosis with “an excerise in memorization and rote repetition” which you say the Rosary is not.

There IS if you like “rote repetition” (I’ll have to look the word up, but insofar as I understand it) in the Rosary and for mysteries there is also that in at least II Method of St Grignon de Montfort - which is popular among German speaking Catholics, the one I use.

… and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, who rose from the dead, Holy Mary, Mother of God … (with each Hail Mary in that decade, replace with “who ascended to Heaven” for second one, and so on).

And the Rosary is therefore an excellent way or recalling these precise 15 mysteries, and also, using the cycle:

Joyful - Monday, Thursday
Sorrowful - Tuesday, Friday
Glorious - Wednesday, Saturday
(various solutions for Sunday, including all three same day)

it is an excellent way to recall what weekday it is, even if you don’t have newspapers telling you that.

But since hypnosis is clearly used for many various other purposes than to enhance memory at language learning or whatever, I don’t get the point you were making in your first sentence.

Or if you meant NLP, are you sure the mysteries and the associated fruits (for which we ask God) may not have an effect similar to personalised NLP?

I think it can, like the psalms, and that is one way in which praying the Rosary makes you a good Christian.

Claire-Edith de la Croix
Wait a second… is it you who wrote the original question? If so, I've been particularly dense and I did not understand the wording of your question.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Correct for first part, you know best for second part.

LL deMerle
Claire-Edith, I once read an article which claimed that studies showed praying the rosary to have benefits for the heart.

Claire-Edith de la Croix
Not surprising. In general, meditation and contemplation can be very relaxing. But that's a far cry fro a trance.

LL deMerle

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Not sure if you are aware “trance” varies in depth.

II, Requested
Dorothy M Neddermeyer
Ph.D., Certified Hypnosis and Time-line Practitioner. 30+ years experience.
Written 20h ago
Any form of concentration to the exclusion of other distractions or input serves to induce or enhance a trance state. While the number of beads have a purpose for each religious faith, the number of beads also has a purpose of conditioning people to engage in the practice of concentration—i.e. trance state—for shorter or longer periods of time.


[diagram with Greek hupnos, sleep + English -osis giving in late 19th C hypnosis - actually, ending -osis is also Greek]

late 19th century: from Greek hupnos ‘sleep’ + -osis.

The mind goes into a trance state periodically during awake hours. Hypnosis became the word to identify a process of someone inducing a deeper trance state than one generally goes into periodically during awake hours. After inducing a trance state the facilitator can process information from the unconscious mind, which creates a cathartic and healing effect.

If you have questions contact me. I am here only to be truly helpful.

III Requested
Michael DeBusk
Hypnotist since 1993
Written 12h ago
I am completely unfamiliar with both Catholic and Islamic ritual, so I can't speak to the ones you asked about.

I can only say that rituals of this kind function as trance inductions. They have a unique quality in that they set a particular direction for your nervous system to follow.

I wish I knew more about these specific rituals.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
“I can only say that rituals of this kind function as trance inductions.”

I consider this as being so too.

Also, St Thomas Aquinas proves that Downs’ syndromers can truly pray by the fact they can truly enter into a trance during a prayer.

I was thinking about the difference from méthode Coué, which was inspired by the rosary, since in méthode Coué, the person entering the trance is visualising something about himself, in the Rosary something about Jesus or Mary or both - that is, about persons transcending his own.

The own person is during the trance more in the background (present as in “pray for us sinners” or as in reason for praying the rosary, which often involves sth personal : but even so, in the background, while main thing remains sth other than he and his own qualities either desires or to be overcome).

How do you think that would make a difference?

Alan Piper
Wise Blue Owl Therapy centre
Written Mon
In sort nothing. The Islamic 99 and catholic rosary are about comiting to memory: self hypnosis can help with improving the memory for may things. But there is nothing connecting either in any spritaual or religious sense.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
If you noted my own comment, I was actually saying I was asking about technical from a mentalist point of view.

A repeated and well known short message is consumed under alpha state of some degree … what is, from the purely technical, not religious, point of view the difference and similarity?

Does it matter that in Coué one is dealing with a personalised message which is adressed to one’s personal self, while in prayer one is dealing with a one size fits all message which is adressed to attention on and adress to someone other than self?

Shawn Bell
works at Startup Founders and Entrepreneurs
Written Mon

Update 3.IV.2017
More answers

Answer requested by Hans-Georg Lundahl

Sherry W,
Written Wed
Nothin really, unless you use them as way to hypnotize your self.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Well, and doesn’t one when praying?

Answer requested by Hans-Georg Lundahl

Derry Cooke
Certified hypnotherapist in private practice since 2015.
Written Wed

Focus, belief, desire, imagination, repetition… These are the essentials of hypnosis and religious practice.

I'm not saying religious practice is hypnosis but it absolutely includes hypnotic elements.

Answer requested by Hans-Georg Lundahl

Diana Laskaris
works at Impact, LLC
Written Fri
Upvoted by Chrysovalantis Anastasiades
Interesting question. I don’t think that there’s a direct correlation if that’s what you’re asking. However, when one goes into a deeply meditative, focused state, such as one might do while reciting the Catholic Rosary or the Islamic 99, they could be inducing a light trance, which would be like self-hypnosis. The difference being that in hypnosis, generally one is trying to provide positive suggestions for behavioral or other change, while the purpose of the rosary or 99 is generally to focus on a prayerful or meditative state. The similarity would be in the focused attention and repetition that both states engage.


Hans-Georg Lundahl
No, the purpose of the rosary is not to focus on one’s state, it is to focus on what the 15 mysteries have to say about Jesus and Mary.

Which would perhaps work out like suggestions, not about oneself this time, but about someone else and better - which could be good for the self to focus on while forgetting (at least for moments) oneself.

To other thread

Ellen Roepert
recreational hypnotist and subject
Written Jan 12
[omitted since on other thread]

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mar 28
Would you also like to answer this one, I am out of requests?

What do the Islamic 99 names and the Catholic Rosary have to do with self-hypnosis?
[Link to this quora question]

Ellen Roepert
Mar 29
Nothing. Catholicism and selfhypnosis are not related.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mar 29
OK … trance states do not occur in religion?

Ellen Roepert
Mar 29
Trance states occur in religion, and in daily life. Hypnosis is just one possible trance state, and a very specific one. Other trance states are very common.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mar 29
AH, ok, you mean that trance while praying the Rosary is another type of trance than self hypnosis?

Perhaps a valid point, but does not mean they have nothing to do with each other.

Ellen Roepert
Mar 29
Exactly, the trance a praying person may experience has nothing to do with hypnosis.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mar 29
If it is a trance, it has at least one thing in common with self hypnosis.

Ellen Roepert
Mar 29
Reading a book and driving a car are also trance.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mar 29
Yes, but less deep than praying the Rosary.

In reading a book you are ready for new things coming on, in the Rosary you are already dealing with scenarios where the words have been cut down to essentials known beforehand.

Driving a car involves always being ready to get out of and redirect the trance, if needed.

In the Rosary you are also repeating words over and over again.

Ellen Roepert
Mar 29
I think you misunderstand what trance is. Trance is not being unaware of your surroundings or unable to take action immediately. Trance is simply focused attention.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mar 29
Which you have in the Rosary too.

Trance involves focussing attention onto things and therefore involves focussing attention off things.

In the Rosary you are more focussed off things other than what you are focussing on than in car driving or book reading.

IX quora : If one practises self hypnosis, is it easier to be hypnotised by a stranger?

Q I asked
If one practises self hypnosis, is it easier to be hypnotised by a stranger?

Own comment
Specifically : if one is sleeping outside, one is of course exposed to other people when going to sleep.

Cat Wilson
Do it. Teach it.
Written Jan 14
Stranger than what? (smile) Sorry, couldn't resist. We know that all hypnosis is self hypnosis. How you naturally do it is how you created your response. Hypnosis requires:

  • permission
  • ability to follow instructions
  • process that fits you
  • sufficient time.

The person who feels safe with a Hypnotherapist may confidently let go and relax.

When you practice shooting a ball into a basket you get good at making baskets. Not so strange anymore … unless a clown with a bouquet of balloons walks by.



Hans-Georg Lundahl
Jan 14
Good first question, since I was not referring to a chosen hypnotherapist.

Like a stranger in the street or sth else, or perhaps sn one has met.

And I mean sn who could also induce forgetting the hypnotism, if so.

Michael DeBusk
Hypnotist since 1993
Written Jan 12
I think so. One of the easiest inductions I ever did was with a girl who was an avid meditator.

“Oh! So you already know how to go into a trance,” I said.

“Yes, I guess I do,” she responded.

“Then all I have to do is wait,” I told her. “When you begin now, I’ll join you.”

She went deeper than anyone I've worked with. She knew how, you see. She'd been there many times and was good at it. I needed only get out of her way.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Jan 13
First, thank you for answering.

Second, the situation is somewhat different, since she had agreed to be hypnotised by you.

I meant like stealth hypnosis by strangers taking advantage of seing me at sleep or going to sleep or things like that.

Derry Cooke
Certified hypnotherapist in private practice since 2015.
Written Jan 14
All things being otherwise equal, then 'Yes!'

Hypnosis is a consent process and like any other skill, practice improves performance.

The rapport between hypnotist and subject and the expectations of the subject are more important determinants of the ease andquality of the hypnotic engagement.

Ellen Roepert
recreational hypnotist and subject
Written Jan 12
Yes and no. If you have practiced self hypnosis, then you know how to easily go into trance, with or without help. You also know how to wake up from trance, and how suggestions work on you.

That means you will find it easier to go into trance with any other hypnotist, and that you will find it easier to not go into trance, or wake up, when you don’t want to go into trance right now, because you don’t trust the hypnotist for example.

[Updated:] Hans-Georg Lundahl: If you’re asleep, you will not be hypnotised by anyone. You’re asleep, you can’t hear what they are saying.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
“If you’re asleep, you will not be hypnotised by anyone. You’re asleep, you can’t hear what they are saying.”

I meant first asleep, then woken up, then hypnotised while too groggy to resist or get angry.

Also, not quite true about light REM sleep?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
[comment linking to this post.]

Ellen Roepert
Why do you copy Quora to a blogger?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Why not?

Gives a neat oversight over each dialogue?

If you did not want any reproduced, you should have added the words “not for reproduction”.

I link back to quora (which is the quoran rules’ condition for reproducing) and also correctly attribute all contributions not my own.

V Requested
Alba Alamillo
Certified Hypnotherapist since 2006, I have a successful practice in the SF Area
Written Jan 15
I practice self-hypnosis, I know it’s super safe and even good because I feel great afterwards. If I go to a hypnotherapist because I want to be hypnotized, my knowledge about hypnosis will allow me relax, let go and cooperate. Assuming that I trust the person.

I have a super cute anecdote.

Hypnosis is so safe that one day I was teaching my son (maybe 10 at a time) how to hypnotize me. I said: “Son, you have to ask me to stare at a spot above eye level and tell me that my eyelids are getting heavy and when you see me kind of yawning I’m ready, then you tell me to lie down, close my eyes and then you only say nice things, like the ones that I say to you when I hypnotize you, but you have to adapt them to an adult woman”

ok, and off he went with the induction and then he asked me to lie down and relax my body, then he wasn’t sure what to say, what kind of nice things to say so after thinking for a while he said:

“and you are with your friends and family, and all the people who love you, and you are in a party, and in this party the food is ready and someone serves you and you eat and enjoy and you have fun with your friends and there are a lot of waiters bringing plates and taking them away, and they bring you your favorite food, and you are very happy because this time you don’t have to clean the kitchen…”

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Jan 16
I believe you.

The problem is, can self hypnosis have been abused by strangers I had not invited to do hypnotherapy for a fast induction, and following amnesia of hypnosis?

Especially in situations where I have been exposed to sleep privations.

Rusty Metty
Technical Consultant - UX
Written Jan 13
No. It depends on the hypnosis skills of the stranger. Hypnosis works on everyone. The stranger will need to accurately gauge the degree to which your conscious mind Protects your subconscious mind from suggestion. if you are able to self hypnotize there may be no need to seek a stranger With these skills.

Richie Aitoro
Hypnotist, writer, consultant and lover of change work.
Written Jan 13
Not necessarily unless you want to be.

Umair Usman
I developed the 'cognitive consulting' framework
Written Jan 12
In my experience they are totally different things

X Demons and hypnosis?

Last Frontier Medium

Hans-Georg Lundahl
A Wiccan who does a Wiccan ceremony is obviously opening a kind of door to demons.

If this Wiccan is also a hypnotist, if she does hypnosis videos, if a Christian watches them, is aware she is Wiccan, tries to counter that by praying both for her and before entering any hypnotic trance, are these precautions sufficient to counter from himself also opening a door to the demons by doing so?

I ask, because I am in the situation, and if you wonder why I would be going to hypnosis videos anyway, it's a matter of repose (I am homeless and get shoved away more and more which leads to more and more sleep privation) and also of getting around to not be quite as freewilled and not as sinful in masturbation, in some way or other, when it comes, which it does because I am still not married.

By the way, I could easily have been under a spiritual attack before actually going on to watch them, because I lost my miraculous medallion last week. Don't remember the exact day, not quite sure, but rather so, it was before or after watching the first of the hypnosis videos - before actually going back into a trance.

So, no, to me trances are not primarily a spiritual, but simply a carnal pleasure, in absence of better and more normal things - except in so far as prayer itself involves trance.

Excuse me, are you a practising Christian or a medium?

[Last added after actually noticing the name of the channel.]

XI 29.III.2017

Initial statement, 15:44:

Resuming, yesterday.


Tried to doze off with some eyelid flutter to music I was hearing anyway.

Failed. Completed a composition, while awake after that.

Later evening

Wanted to doze off in train, couldn't, was interrupted by two Evangelicals preaching.


Found a place to sleep.

Tried to stare first on street lamps.

After eyelids closed, did a triple arm raise with each time Katherine Anne cutting the string.

Between two of them, or after third or both, I tried the "eyelid glue" and failed to open very brilliantly.

After third time, I don't think I needed much counting before really dozing off, BUT ... had seen her face floating like a Cheshire cat (remember, I only saw her on video, so this is my fantasy while doing self hypnosis) and this time with canines, but not as a vampire, as a shapeshifting kitten.

First try to sleep, I had to wake up again and reclose eyes after a prayer, since a girl I love had her head flying off and turning into a vampire skull, and since after I closed my eyelids again, I first saw one of the Evangelicals in my imagination, and I didn't wnat to go homoerotic.


Touched the erection a bit too much to avoid ejaculation totally, so had to change trousers in shower and probably stank on train.

Sorry, Katherine Anne, if this is awkward, like if you are married.

Also, tried Katherine Anne's count up.

"... wide awake!"

Joking, or what?

If I were married to her, I think she might wake me up some mornings:

"1, 2, 3 ... wide awake"

And me : "that's not even funny!"

Day yesterday : did manage to not watch hypnosis videos with sound, but did many hypnosis videos sound off as study.

Today: and with heaviness of eyelids and with nudging my nose, I wondered how much I was fuelling a future trigger for rapid zonk out if she'd like one. Also thought of her using the gesture of drinking water as a zonk out to Brian, while I was drinking water.

29.III.2017 hypno journal, if addtions
3/29/17 at 3:47 PM
[see above, note typo]

3/29/17 at 4:18 PM
And yes, here is one addition 16:12, with sleep privation and hypno lag I do have drooping eyelids and I am preparing to use it as a trigger this night (a tactic working wonderfully yesterday, as said).

And I'd love a hypno video with a power nap right now, but can't have it.

Will perhaps be off to where I can scan composition and get it online.

On the plus side, it is boosting my creativity (like alpha state from Rosary and like full dose of REM sleep would).

I just wrote a funny answer on quora:

Meawnhile, were was I ... yes, lost my orientation at least twice today. If someone observed me and were not aware of (or wilfully ignored) my autohypnosis experiments, I might easily get stamped as schizo.

One more reason, not so much against hypnosis (or perhaps yes, but I am biassed) as against that fake diagnosis.

I may add where I slept was not the most quiet place possible.

A sheltered porchway, yes, this in a side street, yes, BUT the side street was one to a very traficated street.

Using noise as hypno trigger? Perhaps did. But this does not mean it could not have distrupted sleep other parts of the night.

3/29/17 at 8:11 PM
20:11 Kept myself from hypno videos.

Saw lots of other stuff.

XII 30.III.2017

Yesterday evening.

Had only one hour internet, no hypnosis video (or had I one?).

Saw video on religious theme.*

At "bed time" (with disturbances) I let God take over. If it was God, which I can hope.

No details, though I'd answer to a priest.

No ban on hypnosis, no conversion.

Woke up.

Too early. Had to take the train back and forth for two hours to get some repose and even so had to sleep on the lawn after a first internet session, where hypnosis got overweight - as happens during hypno binges like this one.

* Video:

Satanist to Christian {UNBELIEVABLE TESTIMONY}
Benn K. Joe

Should further comments make my own inaccessible, I saved mine well accessible here:

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : ... Satanist to Christian

Tuesday 28 March 2017

III Continuing Journal March 27 2017

KA, starting monday 27.III.2017
3/27/17 at 9:17 AM
Monday 27.III

Leaving out some torrid stuff, since Katherine Anne could be married (that might be one reason why she stopped making the videos).

Yesterday evening in a laundry, I used this "self" induction, "day dreaming" about her:

KA : you go down the stairs, I am counting 1 ... 2 and 3 ... etc to 10.

Which I imagined doing.

Then, this:

Me : 100
KA : You go to sleep now
Me : 99
KA : You go to sleep now
Me : 98
KA : You go to sleep now ...

I don't recall coming down to 70, and I was woken up so must have slept.

Finding a new place, I reused the latter several times over, since people were coming and going.

This morning I tried to reuse it, but thought the better of it after verifying it really was morning.

Since then, on and off, suffering some sleepiness, including a kind of hypnotic hangover, image of KA recurring and me shaking it off (or trying to) as if trying to shake off sleepiness. Can relate to certain scenes in The Silver Chair - lady of the Green Kirtle obviously having abused hypnosis, and Rilian obviously having a similar physical sensation.

Should I see a hypno video with someone else as an antidote or let it happen? (written 9:12 and I woke somewhat before 7 sth after regaining sleep between 22:30 and midnight, not sure when).

Anyway, trying to leave off looking at her video today.

C. S. Lewis must have had some experience with hypnosis, since he could both accurately describe shaking off a hypnotic hangover in the Silver Chair and programming to wake up later as Tirian did in The Last Battle. That one I tried yesterday morning, was trying to get down 7:45 - 55 sth and hoping to wake up 8:30. Went down after 8:05 and woke up 8:25 - refreshed for the next hour, but it did not stop the sleep lag from tiring me down as to disability in conversation or tiredness from listening to that of others.

Above mentioned nap for the night was not the sole nap yesterday after that, I took one in the afternoon as well. Hypnotically, so as to get some rest, or at least tried to.

3/27/17 at 10:06 AM
10:06 still fighting a kind of hypnotic hangover ...

3/27/17 at 11:26 AM
11:25 and still KA hovering above my eyelids, from time to time while I do other things - tonight, IF I do autohypnosis, the suggestion will be fortified by hours of preparation, it would be ending a fight of hours, not of just two minutes, to give in ...

3/27/17 at 11:58 AM
11:55 feeling fairly irritated at:

  • drooping eyelids
  • feeling half horny
  • Katherine Anne's face popping up in my mind (even she in her bad mood)
  • AND me being in a public library where I can't give in!

I recall that tactic of her suggesting to Brian he feels guilt and frustration at not being completely zonked out all the 24 hours ... frustration works as an enforcement of suggestions, I am "afraid" (not that I don't enjoy it, and yes, here KA's face snickering sweetly)

3/27/17 at 12:27 PM
12:22 Doggedly struggling on, soothing the pain of not- giving in by imagining how sweet it will be to give in tonight.

If I get to it.

Reflecting why marriage is better than chocolate and heaven is better than hypnosis.

When you are in bed with husband or wife (I imagine), and say "can I have some more", you will not be sad to hear "me too".

When you are obeying God in Heaven, and enjoying that, you are not fearing that who you are obeying will become an idol separating you from God and damning you.

And now, not married, not having chocolate since it is a monday in Lent and outside my meals, not being hypnotised since in a library and even so being wake hypnotised by enforcing hypnotic pre-induction with every time I nudge finger onto side of nose or every struggle I have to go through, I notice that I have other things to do and they do not quite take my mind off this going over and over again through my mind ...

3/27/17 at 12:40 PM
12:39 done with what I was doing, thinking of going out and taking a sleep ... or perhaps just out and take a coffee, sparing possible hypnotic bliss for later.

[Sparing = saving, I'm Swedish and in Swedish and German the word for "save" except when it means rescue is "spara"/"sparen".]

3/27/17 at 1:11 PM
13:10 probably spent most of half hour since then watching parts and clips of hypnosis videos ... sound off.

Trying to avoid KA, but not quite succeeding.

3/27/17 at 2:01 PM
AND at 13:59, I have been reading answers on quora about hypnosis and selecting videos to watch later ...

Creative Life, Kelli von Heydekampf, Guided Meditation & Sleep Hypnosis Talkdown with Michelle: A Day At The Beach ... not to mention quora, of course.

You see why back in 2014 I labelled this kind of thing a hypno binge?

3/27/17 at 3:04 PM
Wondering how many Pentecostal "things" (not always labelled as miracle, but often as deliverance) have something to do with a hypnotic preparation.

Thank God that that is NOT what I am building my faith on, and hope whoever is concerned has better intellectual reasons for Christianity than such experiences.

3/27/17 at 4:25 PM
By the way, this night also, not a trace of dreaming, as in sleep dreaming, of KA meeting me on street or hypnotising me.

Did some looking over psalms and it seems not only were Medieval monks praying them in an alpha state, but the psalmists themselves were doing so.

Happy he who feareth the Lord?

I saw a hypno video in which subjects were thoroughly fearful of the hypnohammer - and thoroughly happy when it hit them.

Happiness in heaven and a state of grace while on earth are at least related to the smile of a hypnotic subject.

3/27/17 at 4:27 PM
And yes, what I wanted to write now was sth else, this thing is a bit distracting.

Here we go.

We dream about things we have habits of attending to at night. One thing I dreamt about this night was timelines overlapping with each other, dynasties or whatever, and centuries going from Christ to c. 913 AD or sth.

That should tell you one of my interests, and I could have been dreaming about Yngling dynasty or sth starting way up North with Odin and Frey a little before the Birth of Christ.

3/27/17 at 5:35 PM
17:34 still more hypno videos ...

3/27/17 at 6:43 PM
18:42 at least not feeling drooping eyelids the last hours ... but of course getting familiar with other triggers.

for message IV